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Minnesota Department of Public Safety


Pipeline operators


OPS Alert Notice – 02 - 2022


September 26, 2022 


The purpose of this Alert Notice is to provide clarification and guidance for all Minnesota natural gas and hazardous liquid pipeline operators and facilities such as Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plants regarding Executive Order 22-20 issued by Gov. Tim Walz Aug. 30 directs state entities with regulatory oversight of critical infrastructure providers to identify and focus resources to protect Minnesota’s critical infrastructure. It also directs state entities with regulatory oversight of critical infrastructure providers to aid those operators with performing risk assessments and prioritizing defenses to counter immediate cyber threats.

Scope: New Cybersecurity Requirements for Minnesota Pipeline Operators

Pipeline infrastructure is considered one of the 16 critical infrastructure types.

The Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) is following Executive Order 22-20 by continuing to monitor and help reduce cybersecurity risks to protect the life and safety of Minnesotans. Pipeline systems and facilities that use control rooms, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), or other electronic controls that may be vulnerable to cybersecurity issues will be required to take actions to protect their system security. These types of cybersecurity issues should be considered as threats to pipeline/facility infrastructure where applicable in pipeline intergrity programs as well as procedures related to control rooms.

What do pipeline operators need to do? 

  • Start to register your system owner and identified staff with MN Fusion Center at MNFC. See below.
  • Report cyber-attacks to the Minnesota Fusion Center at or 651-793-3730.
  • Look at the Executive Order 22-20 Frequently Asked Questions website for additional resources on implementing cybersecurity best practices and developing critical cybersecurity self-assessments.

Register system owner and staff with MNFC. 

Personnel responsible for system ownership, system operations, and cybersecurity are expected to register at MNFC, and there is no limit to how many may register. Register under ‘Partners Membership’, complete the biographic information, then select the Critical Infrastructure Key Resources Sector ‘Energy.’ IT and cyber security personnel should select ‘Information Technology’ and a sector. Registration questions can be directed to

Where can pipeline operators find general information on cybersecurity self-assessments?