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Pipeline operators

Precise marking instructions

Date: October 21, 2010

To: Minnesota Excavators and Utility Operators

Subject: Precise Marking Instructions

In Minnesota, excavators are required by law — specifically MS216D.04 Subdivision 1(2) — to provide the precise location of proposed excavation on the Gopher State One Call excavation notice (ticket). White markings should be used to delineate the proposed excavation area, and the excavator should make note on the ticket that white markings were used.

The Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) defines excessive marking instructions as a safety hazard (marking in areas where no excavation will occur). This practice causes resources to be wasted — resources that can be better spent in areas of highest safety concern.

OPS is responsible for the enforcement of MS216D and MR7560. When this office has reason to believe that a violation has occurred, enforcement action will be aggressively pursued. Per MS216D.08, penalties may not exceed $1,000 for each violation, per day of violation.