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Minnesota Department of Public Safety


Pipeline operators

Damage statistics

Pipeline Safety Excavation and Utility Damage Data

Excavation and Utility Damage Data

The Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) uses this data, collected by Minnesota utility operators, to help evaluate the effectiveness of the state damage prevention laws, Minnesota Statute 216D, and Minnesota Rule Chapter 7560. As always, OPS will continue investigating individual complaints from utility operators, excavators, and the public. This data provides a statewide summary of quarterly utility performance data including the number of notification requests by type, the percentages of notifications marked on-time as well as the number of utility damages that occurred by cause. State law prohibits OPS from initiating an enforcement action based on this reporting data.

Minnesota State Pipeline Safety Program Performance Metrics

This site provides a summary of Minnesota pipeline excavation damages reported to the Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA).  The data provides details of significant Minnesota pipeline incidents from 2005 to the present. The data includes incident reports, statistical summaries and a breakdown by incident cause.