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Minnesota Department of Public Safety


Pipeline operators


Operator reporting forms

Annual Pipeline Operator Billing Information Form 

The purpose of this form is to record the contact and billing information for each operator as well as the mileage and/or meter count on December 31st, of the Reporting Year. This form must be completed by all hazardous pipeline operators in Minnesota (interstate and intrastate) by Feb 9th of the following year.

Utility Damage Reporting Survey Form 

The Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) will use this survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the state damage prevention laws, Minnesota Statute 216D, and Minnesota Rule Chapter 7560. As always, OPS will continue to investigate individual complaints made by utility operators, excavators, and the public. A statewide summary of quarterly survey data will be made available on the OPS Data and Statistics page.

One-Call Excavation Complaint Form

The Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) receives complaints alleging violations of Minnesota Statute 216D/ Minnesota Rule 7560. This Statute and Rule outlines certain legal requirements for excavators and underground facility operators to protect the public from injury and protect facilities from damage that may occur during excavation. Upon receiving a complaint OPS may investigate.

Your contact information is requested so that you can be contacted to provide additional information. You are not legally required to supply the data, however if you do not provide it, it may impact the ability to fully investigate your concerns. The information will be made available only to those with a legitimate business need to know the information and to those authorized by state and federal law as required by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13.

Request for Specific Information Form 

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) requires the Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) to verify and track specific items with pipeline operators. This RSI is being submitted pursuant to Minnesota Statute 299F.63 Subdivision (b) and Minnesota Administrative Rules 7530.0400, Subpart 1. This request is specific to only intrastate pipeline operators, operators who have pipelines residing entirely within Minnesota’s border.