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For fire departments

Oil transportation awareness training

What is oil transportation awareness training?

Photo of a train going down a track.

This training will focus on important safety considerations related to oil transportation via rail and pipelines. The State Fire Marshal Division encourages departments, mutual aid partners and agencies with rail or pipelines in their jurisdictions to schedule this free training.

Who is oil transportation awareness training for? 

  • Fire and police departments
  • Emergency management agencies
  • Sheriffs’ departments
  • Emergency medical services

About oil transportation awareness training

The class includes four modules (pipeline, rail, response and environmental). Topics covered include: 

  • Shale and tar sands crude oil properties. 
  • Additional commodities transported in Minnesota.
  • Major transportation routes. 

How much is oil transportation awareness training?

The cost of this class is reimbursable from the Minnesota Board of Firefighter Training and Education through a special rail and pipeline training fund. Funds are limited, so schedule your class today. 

When and where is oil transportation awareness training? 

Dates and times are flexible based on your department or agency’s needs. The training is at your department or agency. 

How long is the oil transportation awareness training?

Three hours.

Schedule your training

Send us an email to schedule your training and learn more.