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Firearms Carry Permit Instructor Certification

People wishing to obtain a Minnesota Permit to Carry are required to receive training on the use of a firearm from an approved organization’s certified instructor.

The Department of Public Safety (DPS) approves organizations that provide permit to carry training. Approved organizations are allowed to certify instructors. There is no fee to apply. Organizations should use this form: Business Organization Application for Certification of Firearms Instructors

Certified Firearms Organization Requirements

To qualify for DPS approval as an organization authorized to certify instructors, the organization or government agency must meet, maintain and submit the following items:

  • Certificate of Good Standing from the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office issued within 60 days of application.
  • Lesson plans and course syllabus for instructor and student courses that demonstrate that the successful candidates will be able to teach and have received the basic requirements for applicants for permits to carry required by Minnesota Statutes section 624.714, subdivision 2a.
  • Copy of course of live fire to be utilized in both instructor and student courses. DPS requires a total of at least 25 rounds at multiple distances for the live fire qualification for both courses.
  • Copy of certificate to be issued by organization to instructors and students. Certificates issued by your organization must specifically state that the training meets the requirements of Minnesota Statutes section 624.714, subd. 2a.
  • Written description of how the organization will maintain instructor and student records.
  • Written description of how organization will maintain proficiency of instruction (including legal updates) and ensure the instructional practices and integrity of instructors.
  • Student instruction must include the psychological and physical effects during and after a critical incident.
  • Copy of current (issued within the past five years) instructor credentials of primary contact or owner that document:
    • Instruction in the fundamentals of pistol use including mechanical knowledge of handguns and safe practices in shooting, loading, unloading, clearing firearm malfunctions, safe storage and firearm care.
    • Completion of a shooting qualification exercise and the ability to evaluate shooting proficiency and safe weapon handling skills of students in a practical firearm shooting exercise.
    • Instruction in the legal aspects of pistol possession, carry, and use, including self-defense, the restrictions on the use of deadly force, and the psychological and physiological effects of a violent threat encounter.
    • Instruction on how to maintain records of students seeking a permit to carry a firearm.

Materials from the NRA or similar organizations will not be accepted. 

Organizations must be approved by the Department of Public Safety every five years. DPS does not send renewal notifications. 

Below is the current list of approved organizations and their certification expiration dates.

Instructor Requirements

Approved organizations and government entities may certify individuals to become instructors using the guidelines listed above. Under Minnesota Statutes, section 624.714, subdivision 2a (d), the individual’s certification is valid if issued within the last five years in accordance with Department of Public Safety standards. 

Frequently Asked Questions regarding applying to become an organization authorized to certify instructors.

Firearms trainers/organizations seeking more information should contact 651-793-2764 or